개리엇의 신작 MMORPG 제목이 정해졌습니다
바로 Iron & Magic
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Iron & Magic (@IronAndMagic) / 트위터
From the original team behind the Ultima series comes an all-new MMO experience.
MMORPG 웹진의 기사입니다(영어)
Richard Garriott’s NFT MMO has a website and a name: Iron and Magic | Massively Overpowered
You may remember that space tourist Richard Garriott, fresh off the utter collapse of Shroud of the Avatar, had threatened us all with another new MMO project filled with NFTs back in April of this year. Any hopes that this might have been a passing flight
SotA로 한탕 해먹은 데다, NFT로 땅 팔어먹으려는 신작 MMORPG에 대한 우려로 이젠 개리엇이 거의 사기꾼 취급을 받게 되었군요. 아이고 이 양반아...